Getting Started with PostgreSQL and Sequelize
Using Sequelize as an ORM to connect your Node.js app to a PostgreSQL Database
In this tutorial, you will connect your Node.js app to a PostgresQL database using Sequelize as an ORM.
You will have an overview on
- What's relational databases?
- What's PostgreSQL?
- What's an ORM?
- What's Sequelize?
What you need for this tutorial
- A computer, obviously
- Node.js installed on your computer
- PostgresQL
What is a relational database?
A relational database is a type of database(where data is stored) that organises data into tables and create a relationship between one or more tables.
For example, A course has relationships with a teacher and the students. Relational databases include the popular MYSQL, SQL Server, POSTGRESQL and others. For this article, we will be using POSTGRES, a flavour of SQL
What is PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL is an open-source relational relational database management system.
What is an ORM?
ORM is an acronym for Object Relational Mapping. ORMs allow you to query your database in a programming language of your choice(in this case, Javascript) without writing pure SQL queries.
ORMs make things better without wondering about SQLishh queries. However, It is not a bad idea to have a hang of SQL.
To connect a Node.js app to a SQL database, there are different ORMS you can use including Prisma, Sequelize etc.
For this article, we will be using Sequelize. It supports Postgresql, SQL etc
What is Sequelize?
According to the docs,
Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. It features solid transaction support, relations, eager and lazy loading, read replication and more.
Let's get started!
Step 1 - Creating a project directory for your work
Create a folder for your project, if you don't have one yet.
mkdir postgrestut
Initialise a node project by running npm init --y to create package.json. Follow the prompt
npm init --y
Step 2 - Installing the needed packages
You need to install some packages as dependencies. Run
npm install dotenv pg pg-hstore sequelize
A brief explanation of the packages
dotenv is to secure your environment variables like password, connection string etc.
pg is a Node.js client for PostgreSQL
pg-hstore is a node package for serializing and deserializing JSON data to hstore format
sequelize is a Node.js ORM for relational databases.
As extras, you need to install some devDependencies
npm install sequelize-cli --save -dev
sequelize-cli is a command line interface to use sequelize.
Step 3 - Creating a new project in Sequelize
To create a new project in Seqelize, you will need to run the init
npx sequelize-cli init
This will create the following folders in your project directory
- Config
- Models
- Migrations
- Seeders
Step 4 - Configuring the Database
We need to configure how to connect our app to Postgres Database. Open the config.json file in the config folder. You should have something similar to this
"development": {
"username": "postgres",
"password": "",
"database": "postgrestut_dev",
"host": "",
"dialect": "postgres"
"test": {
"username": "root",
"password": null,
"database": "database_test",
"host": "",
"dialect": "postgres"
"production": {
"username": "root",
"password": null,
"database": "database_production",
"host": "",
"dialect": "postgres"
For now, you should only make changes to development
Put in your own database details.
Since we are using Postgres, change the dialect to postgres
To create the database, run
npx sequelize-cli db:create
Step 5 - Creating Models
You will create a Model for User
with attributes username, first name, last name and email with the associated data types
npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name User --attributes userName:string,firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string
This will create the model and migration file for User in the models and migration folders respectively. PS: It is the migration file that hits the database, hence to see the User table in the DB, run
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Step 6 - Seeding your Database
You can populate your database with dummy data for the User Table by running
npx sequelize-cli seed:generate --name User
This will create a file in the seeders folder.
Make changes in the seed file to look like this
To commit the seed file to the Database, run
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
That's all for now
In another article, you will be able to create a simple crud API with Postgres and Node.js/Express.
Thanks for reading🙏